Main data
- Official Currency: Euro € (although Montenegro is not yet an EU member)
- Area: 13 812km2
- Time Zone: GMT +1
- Capital: Podgorica
- Population : 625 266 (census 2012)
- Total Border line: 614km
- with Croatia: 14km
- with Bosnia and Herzegovina: 225km
- with Serbia: 203km
- with Albania: 172km
Interesting geographics facts
- Total coastline lenght: 293.5km
- Total Beaches lenght: 73 km
- Longest beach: Velika plaža Ulcinj -13 km
- Mayor Bay area: Bay of Kotor
- Highes mountain peek: Bobotov kuk (Durmitor mt.) 2 522 m
- The biggest lake: Skadarsko jezero -391 km2 (biggest on Balkans)
- The deepest canyon: Tara river1300 m (deepest in Europe)
National Parks
- Durmitor: 39.000ha
- Lovćen: 6.220ha
- Biogradska gora: 5.650ha
- Skadarsko jezero 40.000ha
- Prokletije: 1.052 ha
UNESCO Herritage sites
- Kotor old town
- Durmitor with Tara Canyon
National Hollidays:
- 01.January - New year
- 1.Maj - Internationa Labour's day
- 21 Maj - Independence day
- 13.Jul - National Holliday of Montenegro
Major telephone codes and numbers
- International prefix: + 382
- Informations: 1181
- Exact time: 125
- Fire department: 123
- Polce and Emergency: 122 or 112
- Emergency: 124
Banks work Monday to Friday usually opening at 08:00 or 08:30 and closing around 16:00. Saturday closing at 12.00h. You can change currencies (ie US$ to Euros) only in banks. Street changning is prohibited by law. Beside penalty you could be part of fraud and loose your money. We suggest to change your money just in banks.
ATM machines works arround the clock. Check with your bank about percentage when getting money on other machines.
Payment in shops, hotels and restaurants could be done via credit or debit cards.
Your health care
Pharmacies are open usually from 08:00 and they are open until 20:00 or 21:00. During season, tourist centers has night drugstores. If you suffer from chronic health conditions, please bring enough medications in original package.
Emergency works arround the clock. All cities have excellent Emergency health systems.
Hospitals and Health centers works 7.00 to 20.00. Health care for forigners are concerted by the international laws. Before traveling to Montenegro please check your Health insurance coverage.
Hospitals – Montenegro operates a Health Centre system, with most non-urgent cases being assessed, and usually treated at the local health centre. If hospital admission is required the patient will be referred from the Health Centre to the relevant hospital. Most main town health centres (Dom Zdravlja) operate an emergency room, and also a separate childrens' admissions section. In main towns throughout Montenegro private clinics are also becoming more common.
During your visit, Montenegro Travel Service ask you to inform us about your possible health problems, conditions and special needs, as well as if any Emergency occure, you will get our unlimited help and attention. Do not hessistate to contact us imediately !
Supermarkets tend to open at 06:00 and close at 22:00, larger supermarkets may work 24 hours a day except Sundays when they close for the night. General shops and clothes boutiques often work a double shift, opening in the morning, closing for around 3 hours in the afternoon and then opening again in the evening until late. This is normal in most coastal areas.